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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 27 September 2019

why I do not use the Obscure British Super Heroes material to produce a book?

I was asked, via Messenger (PLEASE comment on the blog itself), why I do not use the Obscure British Super Heroes material to produce a book?


Why on Earth would I produce another book when I have an online store with around 100 books and have only sold 2 this year? Months of work so gather internet dust?

As I am currently taking care of a few "problems" -physical and very financial- spending the months working on the book and preparing illustrations is completely out. There is enough material to hand but just no incentive to do the work -remember that selling books is my only income (as such).

The above image, by the way, is a header by Paul Ashley Brown for my Comics F/X page (MU Press) from 1989/1990.  I had hair back then...and there was a decent enough comics industry.

But any questions please use Comments on this blog and because of all the abusive and spam comments everything is moderated so...dont waste your time spamming!

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