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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Casterman: Matt Peterson 1: London Running

Matt Peterson
London running
Author: Frederic Laurent-Bollee
Hard back
56 pages
Volume: 1
Dimensions: 22.8×30.5×1 cm
ISBN: 2203057947
EAN: 9782203057944

Price: € 10.95

London, July 2012. Matt Peterson, the newspaper photojournalist for Team, arrives in the British capital with fellow journalist Gregory Blanchard, to cover the Olympics. Interested in athletics, the two men move alongside the marathon runners.  However, a Czech athlete, Miroslav Palick, is clearly disturbed and begins to show erratic behaviour. The young photographer trying to learn more about just what is going on-  and will cross the path of Scorpio Holding, one of the most powerful conglomerates and the most opaque of sports-business …

First episode of the adventures of Mattias Peterson in the world of contemporary sport, London Running marks the birth of a new Casterman series. Each volume, linked to a particular sporting event, offers a plot that can be read independently, while providing new information on heroes and protagonists of the series.

Ahh, now I know France is just across the Channel but it is still nice to see an artist accurately drawing police uniforms –I commented previously how in one book (by UK creators) the female police officers were shown wearing male helmets (oo-er).  I have to say that things star, uh, ‘quietly’ with a killing and you think “This is a sport comic –that’s the action out of the way!” You’d be wrong.

The art is, as expected, very good and there are some photographs incorporated into the art but it is not noticeable as in Mariko Parade.  Looks like this coulod prove to be an interesting series.

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