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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art At The Expo!

One of the fun things about the Bristol Expo is visiting the Cinebook The 9th Art table. Well, if you can find it.  By “we” I mean me.  I was pointed in the direction of the biggest exhibitor several times but was looking for a big banner or Olivier Cadic. When I eventually found Aldous (left above) and G (right above) they did mention that they wondered why I had walked by them 4-5 times!!  I am old.

Also, thanks to my name remembering problem, I kept calling Aldous “Guillaume”.  He pointed this out with a laugh later on Saturday!

People kept asking me -and the Cinebook people- where Olivier was? We missed him!  In fact, because of his political work, Olivier was in France following the recent elections.  It was also good to meet Tim from Oxford again after last year -and several longer chats this year!

Aldous and G were doing fantastic work and considering it was just this dynamic duo dealing with everyone they deserve a pat on the back.  Two very cheerful and busy fellas!

Nice to see that Spooks, the new Cinebook title, was selling so well -only one copy on the table on Sunday and people still asking about Green Manor -still popular.

All the books available from Cinebook can be found on their site -all reviews can be found in CBOs Cinebooks Category!

Below: G working even harder!

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