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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 7 May 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art: XIII 12:The Trial

12 – The Trial
Authors: Vance & Van Hamme
Comic Album
Full Colour
Number of pages: 48
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Age: 15 years and up

ISBN: 9781849181143
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT
Publication: March 2012

Called back to the USA by the frantic government, McLane and Jones discover that General Carrington has kidnapped Wally Sheridan, President of the United States! Holed up in a secret base he’s turned into a fortress, Carrington intends to put Sheridan on trial on live TV and expose him as the Number I of the conspiracy. To do that, he’s going to need XIII’s help in bringing in his main witness: the Mongoose!

It’s only when you stack up the series in front of you that you realise just how incredibly good it is.  Twelve volumes of one of the best Euro series I’ve ever read (and I’ve gone through a few).  Action, adventure, political intrigue, betrayal, espionage, all the US military hardware from aircraft, tanks and military weaponry you could ever want.  Beautiful women (of course) and in this one a rather sad ending for a certain military hardman.

This makes the Bourne movie trilogy look a wee bit lame. I can’t believe we’ve managed to see twelve volumes in such a short time and I am NOT going to complain.  Van Hamme and Vance at their incredible best.

Fan Boy Terry

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