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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 7 May 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art: Largo Winch 9: The Price Of Money

Largo Winch 9 – The Price of Money
Authors: Francq & Van Hamme
Comic Album
Full colour
Number of pages: 48
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Age: 15 years and up

ISBN: 9781849181129
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT

Publication: February 2012

A man shoots himself in front of Largo, live on TV. He was a guest on a financial talk show who had lost his company because of a Group W decision. Shocked by the knowledge that he is indirectly responsible, Winch becomes an object of hatred for the nation, and his two best friends abandon him. When suspicions arise that shady dealings led to unnecessary restructurings, he launches an investigation to identify the real culprits.

I like the fact that Cinebook are using the black and white frontispiece illo; it looks really cool.  I know that there are quite a few Largo Winch fans out there –I met some at the last Expo.  They are going to love this.  You are going to love this!

I find it impossible to come up with anything new to say about Francq’s artwork and as there is no separate credit for colour work I’m guessing he does that as well. The colour not only adds to the art but made me, several times, just stop and keep looking over each panel.  This is why I never do colour work!

And as for Van Hamme’s story. How do you review the work of a master story-teller???

Beautiful art, great story, conspiracy, action and great looking women.  You can’t lose of this –and for just £5.99?!!

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