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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Taxidermy Tales press release

I have a new comic book coming out very very soon! It&#8217;s called Taxidermy Tales and is a collaboration with my partner Adam Smith of Khaki Shorts. We challenged ourselves to write a &#8216;horror&#8217; graphic short graphic story each, which could be presented together as a flip book. The reality turned out more &#8216;creepy&#8217; than horror, with just a touch of Scooby Doo, but a good read nonetheless! My story is called &#8216;The Museum Curator&#8217;. Adam&#8217;s is called &#8216;Created by Clive&#8217;<br />
If all goes to plan Taxidermy Tales will be ready for Hi-Ex at the end of the month.

Taxidermy Tales is a brand new “horror” double-bill comic, a collaboration between Gill Hatcher (Team Girl Comic) and A.J.Smith (Khaki Shorts). Both Hatcher and Smith are active participants in the Glasgow small press comics scene.

The 20 page title retails at just £2 and combines two unique (and perhaps a wee bit unnerving) stories, each with it’s own front cover.

On one side we have Hatcher’s “The Museum Curator“, in which the creepy crespuscularity of Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Museum is hauntingly evoked, and on the flip side we have Smith’s “Created By Clive”; presenting the fatal interface of 60s fashion with enforced proto-cybernetics!

Taxidermy Tales is available to buy from Plan B Books in Glasgow, and online at

A basic promotional video for the “Created By Clive” segment can be viewed here:

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