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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Wanga Comics -Le Patrouillieur 2

Le Patrouilleur 2
Pierre Minne
US Comic Book Size
Full Colour
3,99 Euro    Bel  4,60 Euro

My faith was rewarded! The art in this issue has improved but the great thing is that Le Patrouilleur gets a great super hero action cover and storyline. Attending a a demonstration of an experimental bio-technology prototype developed by the French military, the Patrouilleur is in for a rough time as things go wrong (oh, they were bound to!).

For the first time,  Le Patrouilleur will face a tough opponent in the form of … The Prototype !

This really is fun and put me in mind a little of when Marvel Comics used to come up with such ideas in the 1960s/1970s.  I look forward to seeing how Minne develops the series and here’s hoping it lasts a long time!


  1. HI! Sorry -I don't get notifications of comments so I missed this. Loved Patrouillier and look forward to Strangers #3 -whenever that appears!!
