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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 19 May 2012

Jungle! BD:Secrets de Girlz 5: Le Premier Baiser/Girls Secrets: The First Kiss

Secrets de Girlz 5: Le Premier Baiser/Girls Secrets: The First Kiss
Jungle! BD
Genre:             Humor
Hard Back
Full colour
48 pages
9,95 Euro
ISBN-13 (EAN): 9782874429620
ISBN-10: 9782874429620


Synopsis: The series of Girlz Secret  addresses the  existential issues of life of a young girl, like love, fashion and friends, is slowly increasing its audience. And to meet the demand of the fans –a 5th album! A first for this series which, until now, consisted mainly of short in gags is a full length story.

Jeanne and Julie are firmly resolved to go out with a boy this year. There is just a new, super cute boy, who arrives in the classroom. For Julie, this is the perfect boy. Problem, all the other girls of the class feel the same way. Another problem: the boy is more attracted by Jeanne.

Will the friendship of two girls overcome this dilemma?

Its volume 5 and I cannot say that I can look at life the way young girls do!  Nice art and a set of iron on transfers. I will look sooooo chic!

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