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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Action Figure Advice..... ....For A Conversion!

Yeah, still looking for that advice from you action figure fans!

 Note: This is for a 3.75" action figure.  Missing Link easily sorted but its Johnny Future I need to sort out -action figure does not have to have cape as I can make that!

No kidding. I know the feedback on my CBO requests to date has been zero but, come on, I know there are a lot of action figure collectors out there so this should not be difficult.

During the 1960s, the UK weekly comic Fantastic started a strip drawn by Luis Bermejo titled The Missing Link.  Yes, he does look like the Hulk.  In fact, Odham's Power Comics had to drop the character because Marvel were unhappy.  Power Comics such as Pow!, Fantastic and Terrific were reprinting Marvel comics in weekly black and white instalments but this creation was far too Hulk-like.

Now, the Link was supposed to be regular, tanned flesh in colour.

Take a look at him.  Converting an action figure into the Link was east -I just used one of the current Marvel Hulk figures.  And he looks good repainted.

So no problem there.  However, the Link was changed during a scientific accident into...Johnny Future. Here's a page....

And here is a colour issue from an annual.

Johnny Future is the problem.  I used an old UK Action Force one of the Q Force divers.  These are like the old Star Wars figures of the 1970s -unjointed arms and legs so no real articulation. But the first try (using costume design from one of the stories) ended badly.  Even prepared the figure does not take paint well and the design painted on spread the way it wanted to.

You want to see the embarassing results?  I knew you would!

The problem is that the figure needed to be a better one, however, despite searching I could not find a 3.75 inch figure with a cape that could be converted -particularly because of that cowl!

So, if any of you action figure fans know of a 3.75 inch figure that might work -remember that cowl!- PLEASE let me know.

Please please please please make this at least one request I get feedback on!!!

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