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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 26 November 2015

Captain America: Civil War - Trailer World Premiere


  1. I admit it I'm still a fanboy at heart, this look excellent - Black Panther has always been a big favourite of mine (one of the best costumes in comics imho) and it looks cool here as well in "real" life (albeit brielfy) now if they could add Giant-Man I'd be even happier. Seems to be almost all the Avengers here I wonder if this means the Avengers franchise is no more - thanks for showing this its apprciated.

  2. Hi. I came across the German trailer by accident then found the English one. Saaaaaaad -but at my age I said out loud "Oh Wow!" and got excited. Yeah, Giant Man would make this even better!!! I need to watch the trailer again!
