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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 17 November 2015

To Comic Fans In Germany

So far Germany has provided CBO with  43,176 views, however, apart from Germany's premier blogger, Subzero (Tales From The Kryptonian), I have never heard from any of you.

I've covered German comics -super heroes in German comics, Hansrudi Wascher, Captain Berlin, D-Gruppe and even comics from 1939-1945.

Now, there must be something you like or would like to read more about?

Don't be shy -I don't care if your English is not great -let me know in German (lords know I need to brush up on my German!).

Also, any of you know Helge "Herod" Korda, Mathias (EmdE) Dinter, Harmut "Haggi" Klotzbucher -or any of the 1980s German zine folk that might still be going please tell them I said "Hallo!" or if they have websites let me have the urls -Zebra, Lippe, Plop, Spruhende Phantasie, Au Weia -fond memories!!!!

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