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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Three Jacks Ready Is NOT Code!

Well, boxes are ordered and in the new year Room Oblivion will not look like it used to!

I am packing all the graphic novels, comic albums and books (not the ones I use for research) away.  Where to store, though?

I'd sell the lot like the huge number of comic filled boxes -all of which I would sell if I had the chance- which you may recall I showed on CBO before here: 

The idea is to have more space, in Room Oblivion at least since it currently looks more packed out than it did here:

I need the money for retirement but comics are being sold by weight mass these days and very low prices paid for collectibles by shark scum who then sell at huge inflated prices.  So I'm stuck with them. But in case I ever make a move from these shores at least people will find stuff easier to burn (come on, when I croak that is just what will happen -anything sellable -sold. Everything else -burnt).

Sad days indeed.

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