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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 4 November 2015

I Laughed So Much A Bit Of Pee Came Out...

Firstly, thanks to Mr Rooney who, though he could not suggest off hand an action figure to convert to Johnny Future he has promised to keep an eye open.  Thank you.

Ted....oh dear.  Ted had me in stitches of laughter and I swear I almost peed myself.  Why? Okay, he asked how much had been raised by the CBO Donate to keeping the site going fund.

Oh, Ted. Ted, Ted, Ted.  I never expected anyone to donate and so I am not disappointed.  In fact, I actually had to think for a minute what he was writing about!  I seriously had forgotten all about it.  As soon as I remember how I put the damn thing there I'll remove it.

This is what I love -absolutely not one jot of support for CBO -and you wonder why January 2016 is "Bye Bye CBO" time?

You all need to check out Subzero's blog -Tales From The Kryptonian: there is a link on the blog roll and some interesting posts recently.  Don't make him pack it all in to go and become a bona fide Bounty Hunter (though he's hoping Markie Post will manage him).

The Anomalous Observational Phenomena views have shot up like crazy which is not a surprise since I've spent more time there recently.  Gads I love me a good mystery to look into and solve...or not!

2016 will be seeing me concentrate on two new prose books covering my "other life" and "officially unofficially" looking into UFOs.

Big changes ahead but I've tried and tried and run myself ragged in an attempts to get feedback and/or publisher-comic fan support.  Nothing.  So when CBO as it is today fades away remember: I did my bit.

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