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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 11 February 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art BEAR'S TOOTH 3 - WERNER

Authors: Yann & Alain Henriet
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2019
£6.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781849183512

April 1945. The Third Reich is collapsing. In Berlin, surrounded by Soviet troops, a small aircraft lands under enemy fire. Daring pilot Hanna Reitsch escorts an important officer to Hitler’s bunker – and is granted an audience with the Führer, from which she emerges visibly upset. Meanwhile, in a German hospital in the countryside, Max comes to after a long coma. His task remains the same: to kill Hanna. But what new mission has she been given?

If you like thrillers, espionage and even a little romance set against the background of World War 2 then this is one for you.  Lots of action and not a flaw (that I have seen ) in uniforms, equipment or military hardware. Yann gives us more on the Max/Werner identity mystery and as for the art by Henriet it is added to by the colour work of Usagi (not bad for a Samurai rabbit is him, right?).

"End of Season One" on the last page. After the last two pages can there be a "season two"??

As we see Berlin in ruins, Hitler and others dead just where could a continuation take us. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long to find out.

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