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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 21 February 2019

Quick Note

Just to reiterate to people who do not seem to understand things. Far more time is taken up by former British comic professionals in arguments, name calling and making allegations that are untrue than you can imagine. Two of these people are still arguing after it all started in 2012.

This is very sad.  It shows that there really is no comics industry in the UK. 

If only those years had been taken up with creating comics or promoting comics.  It is all very depressing.

As for my post Comics in the UK -This HAS to STOP NOW. Well I asked the ones who had reported problems whether they would care to air the problems on CBO...nothing.  I do know that certain comic forums have referred to the post and made it clear what will happen if people speak out.

You may see now why I prefer to have nothing to do with UK events and comics outside of Black Tower.

I would much sooner spend my time writing and talking about British and German comics history -even look at the two full colour 1941 German comics I have.  But the lack of support for the blog means that I am no longer prepared or willing to do long posts full of images like the mega posts.

We are in a very sad state of affairs when it comes to comics and 'fandom'

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