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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 11 February 2019

Cinebook The 9th Art IAN 3 - BLITZKRIEG

Authors: Fabien Vehlmann & Ralph Meyer
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: March 2019
ISBN: 9781849183734
£6.99 inc. VAT

Date Available: This product will be in stock on Thursday 14 March, 2019.

Horrified at the memory of what he’s done during the Los Angeles riots, Ian tries to commit suicide. But his body turns out to be simply too durable. Injured but alive, he’s taken in by the inhabitants of the city’s slums. Meanwhile, the rest of team 21, along with Ian’s creators, are summoned to the Pentagon, where a rather unusual general orders them to help the American government locate the android … and destroy him!

I think I have written this previously -the IAN books are coming out fairly regularly- that this series put me in mind of the old 2000 AD series M.A.C.H. One.  This latest story certainly has that old 2000 AD feel to it (but no more mentioning that title as those who were involved have already developed egoes bigger than their talents).

Ian has to fight some inner "robotic demons" while making new friends and a new enemy who could well be more powerful than he is.  Then there is the conspiracy within a conspiracy (or is there?) and the reason why Ian is wanted is think it gets kind of sorted out then comes the final page and you realise this is far from over which is probably a good thing since there is a volume 4 on its way.

If you like sci fi action and conspiracy like we used to get in the old version of that "let's not mention it again" comic :-) then you ought to love IAN!

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