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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 7 February 2019

Is It 16 Years or 19 years?

About two weeks ago there were around 6 Albums in the Britcomics Group photo section with about 1,000 images.  There are, as of today, 174 albums containing 4,300 plus images.

It was as I was posting a message that I looked at the date the group was started.  It was 27th August, 2004 which makes it 16 years old. Or 19 years old.

How can it be both 16 and 19 years old? Simple.  Yahoo started its Groups in 2001 and I set up a couple straight away. Britcomics was once of those but then came the Troll-Spammer-Flamer Wars that devastated so many groups and although a number of those involved were identified and banned it was too late.  Many groups just closed down and out of the 40 I was on in 2004 only 3 survive. What I did was delete all members after a warning and those who were serious simply had to get in touch -no more hiding behind fake names: use a pseudonym on the group but you don't tell me who you don't get  on the group.

So, 2001 makes the group 19 years old but 2004 when it was set up again makes it 16 years old.

See, so simple.

It is currently the biggest Yahoo group dedicated the British comics and creators of the Platinum, Golden and Silver Ages.

Just saying.

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