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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 February 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art DISTANT WORLDS 2 - EPISODE 2

Authors: LEO & Icar
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: February 2019
£6.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781849183765
Date Available: This product will be in stock on Thursday 21 February, 2019.

Paul and Professor Stanford’s archaeological expedition are exploring the ruins of Altair in an effort to understand how the people who built them vanished altogether. Protected from various dangers by their deadly guardian angel the Stepanerk, they make some decidedly unexpected discoveries. Until Paul is reminded of his original quest, that is, when a bounty hunter asks for his help tracking down his lost father – who’s wanted for murder.

I wasn't too sure about Icar's art style at first but it has grown on me and as Icar also does his own colour work it all rests or falls on his shoulders. He has done a good job worthy of Leo -who scripts this series- and that is saying something. Flesh eating birds, an airship and a mystery rescuer at the end. Good story and well drawn.

This is almost like a mix of The Wild, Wild West, Star Wars and The Birds and expands on what one might term the "Leoverse" -check out Cinebook for his previous series'. 

 I have to say the delay between volumes leaves me having to go back and check reviews to see what happened before -volume 1 was in October(?) 2018 and this one is not available until March 2019. That is a long wait in comics and it seems to be affecting a lot of the Cinebook titles and that is worrying as I have mentioned before.

Wait untol vol. 2 is out to purchase a copy with vol. 1 -it makes sense!

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