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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 31 December 2021

A New Year....really, it IS a new year?

 Judging by all the bloody fireworks outside it is now 1st January, 2022. meh. I've been working as usual over Christmas and in the last...I really have no idea whether it was three or four days...I have scanned almost 300 pp of art for 5 books. 

Hang on...4 x 80 pp...uh, 320. And the other bok I may leave with 60pp or expand into another 80pp so well over 300pp and do not think that my crappy old scanner was being  anything but a "little awkward" at times.

Covers also done which means there will be a selection of Golden, Silver and Contemporary comic strips out next year.

Not sure whether I will release one each month which would take us into May or to publish one after the other. I may go for the easy option of "when edited -publish".

I also need to start re-pricing on the 2nd -orders before then are honoured at the current price so you have ....24 hours!

Now...need to go ovr some more pages and it is...0026 hrs (GMT)

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