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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 28 December 2021

I NEED A New Mustek A3 Pro Scanner -Look at these pages!

 Finally got the A3 Mustek Pro scanner working again but all of the work was pointless. You will see on the cover scan below how the long dark line cuts down the entire page...

The plain back  cover shows it better and these are A4 pages

How does it affect scanning A3 art? This spread from the same issue of CB shows. (horizonal here as scanned at A4 side on)

On 48-100+ pages I would need to go through and clean up this line which would also cut through word balloons. Scanning a large number of pages to have to then do long and often difficult removal of a line throughout a page. I can scan A4 but most original art is A4 -you see the problem.

So in the meantime I am set to re-adjust cover prices on books for 2nd January 2022 and try to forge the heap of pages in front of me waiting for scanning.

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