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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 17 December 2021


 Yes, in someone's imagination these have been banned in 46 countries -can you name them all?

Rare, vintage, collectible -the three pulse pounding new novels from acclaimed British author Tom Ronson!

Reviews include:

"So sexy I threw out the viagra" -Pete Bassey, lead guitarist with Who Gives a ****"
"Mind blowing! Using these I became 4 inches taller!" Lanky MacStraine (no idea who he is.

But getting serious now...

Yes, the three novels by Tom Ronson (they are listed and found at the British Library no less) that made publishers sit up and take notice. The former comic book artist and writer proved that comics' loss was literatures gain.

Buy now or lose out when all your friends say "Yes, I read the books before they were movies"!

Caught Jester

Jukebox Paradiso

Fallen From Grace

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