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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Face Book and Social Media Will NOT Boost Your Business

 Apparently Face Book (or "Meta" 😂 what a joke) is blocking me from submitting a complaint to them so this is what I was sending them (AGAIN):

In October 2020 you started blocking my links from my family friendly blog Comic Bits Online which has 8 million views and a world wide audience and I wanted to get some of those visitors on to my business page at Face Book.

"Against community policy" and "spam" -after 10+ years? I have messaged and appealed since that date over 20+ times and not a single response from you.

You destroyed my business page for no reason.

You never checked my blog.

You just started going back through any and all old posts (going back to 2018) with my blog link and deleting them and giving me warning notifications.


And I am letting every one on my social media know that.

Here is the joke in all of this; after writing that I ought to add that FB has made no difference to my business and many others have found this whoch is why we all left our business pages -unless FB can leech off of you they are not interested.

I know four people who have had similar and been driuven off Face Book by Face Book -one more left it today and each of these people know of 2-3 others who have gone the same way. Like You Tube it seems that Face Book ios attempting to kill its own business.

This is the same Face Book which allows sex scammers to use its platform freely and even use other peoples photos -not against community policy.

Face Book is NOT your friend or go to social media for your business. Do not waste your time.

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