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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 30 December 2021

So stay tuned for updates in 2022!


After a lot of work I managed to get the A4 scanner working. That gave me enough of an headache to wait until yesterday morning and decide to "go for it!"

Whilst the scanner was working I wanted to get as much done as possible and the Canon MG2550S is fast at scanning a page. After 9 hours I had managed to scan and preliminary edit just under 200 pages. I had to double check but two 80pp books are scanned and just need the editing done -I even worked on later to design the covers whioch I wanted to have some colour in but just be fun. D. H. Wilberton's Streamline illo will be for the third book which I am currently scanning but needed a break from for a few minutes.

You might ask what the books are. Are you going to ask?  Go on! Alright, I'll tell you then.

On is going to be volume 5 of Tales of Terror and if you rememberthem -I wanted a look of the old Thorpe & Porter horror books, or the old Weekly comics from the UK. Some more text to be added.

The other book is Slick Fun 2022 with Professot Atomutt on the front cover (he got a tad "narky" that Professor Atom got to star in The Green Skies so we gave him a cover)

You might ask why the larger format? 

The fact is that unless smaller books sell a lot -I do mean a lot- then I make nothing. A copy of a £20.00 netted me 78p which is financial and business suicide (hence book price increases after 1st January 2022).  It makes more sense to just publish the larger format books.  Smaller page count ones will be "for the love of it" (cause they aint paying!).

There is a fourth book but that is secret for now. Once everything is scanned I can breathe easier.

My biggest problem is that stack of almost 200 pages of artwork in A3 that need scanning. A dreaded business scanning that lot but it is part of the work.

So stay tuned for updates in 2022!

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