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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 23 December 2021

There are no friends in comics.

 Well, I hope you are all happy with your Marvel and DC comics (I should add Image to that but it lost the ring to it)?

Heard a couple more small Indie publishers have decided to pack up and quit comics. For the record Image is not a small Indie company so stop saying you buy their books to "support Independent comics" -just by saying that you prove that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Last time I gave the name of a publisher that was quitting people started buying his books up cheap to exploit on Ebay.  There are no friends in comics.

Hopefully, these people might reconsider but to be honest you sell very little online and comic events are the main places to sell and, well, covid.

Take care, lads and don't despair

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