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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 27 December 2021

WTF Is Going On?


Every-so-often I like to see what posts are popular on  a given day. Usually when I am bored!

Anyway, at the time I was checking things out there had been over 1000 views. So I start noting which post is popular and I see...there are over 800 views.


So I'm wondering what is going on and...773 views???

Then 743 views?

So there I am thinking "Terry this number problem has gotten out of control" and...730 views.

I do know that Blogger changes its url regularly (a tax thing?) but that should not be affecting view stats as I am watching. This has always been a major problem with Blogger but usually you hit another million and...thousands  of views vanish. The current home page stats read over 4 million but CBO passed 9 million last August.

I do wonder when these happen WHY?  I'll check again...up to 799. 

What a system.

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