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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 16 July 2024

We Didn't Start the Fire (Bardcore | Medieval/Renaissance Style Cover)

Browner Knowle Volume 2 Number 2 -This Time It Is Personal


24 pages   
Black and White zine  w/colour covers. 

According to Mr Brown:

"A  shopping list of the lost and desperate. A last-but-one will and testament to artistic futility. A spit in the face of  The New Graphic Novel Orthodoxy. The difficult twelfth album nobody understands until twenty years later. And none of these things. "

Honestly. At times I could slap his bottom!  And just when everyone though Browner Knowle had vanished .  Vol. 2 number 1  was published in October 2023 and you can still order via the store. A 9 month wait between issues is not bad since each is self contained and some of the bigger publishers have been a year or more to bring out part of a series. Hey, I think he deserves this...

The Brian Bolland Delayed Comics Award 2024
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it is not delayed but this is my blog so there!

One thing you can expect is good, solid black and white work; look at the pages above and also the brickwork -all hand drawn mind you and Ole Slow Hand does good brick work (shaky on the art but superb at garden walls). And someone was noting the other day that they hate trying to draw tartan patterns so use an app that offers copy and paste for that. Seriously? Look how good it  looks (yeah, too many "looks") hand drawn -buy a ruler!

Take a look at his web page and you can see more art -and some in colour, too!

As for the pages below; total manic insanity -just look at the insane faces. Last time I saw something like this was when Asda had a sale on alcohol.  This is from Staring At The Rude Boys while below is from Endless. And if you are expecting any humour here....have you ever read an issue of Browner Knowle??!

All of Us Orphans will have you in stitches if you are on the right meds. Somewhere In Another Room would be a black and white short directed by Ingmar Bergman and starring a young Tom Bell. Enigmatic ending. Fires On The Horizon... again something that works nicely. But having written that Mr Brown was doing this before Morrissey was invented.

If you like independent comics, art and creators then there is no reason not to buy a copy and check it out. I mean..£5.00!!!

And if you cannot be bothered supporting creative talent well....
Wait!! You WANT to support independent creative talent? Well, latch your wallet onto this!


Browner-Knowle Vol. 2 #1 – Paul Ashley Brown Reflects on Identity, the Pandemic, Thatcherism and the Realities of the Comics Industry on Broken frontier

Friday 28 June 2024

A Response (again)


I was asked by someone why I do not post as "manically" as I used to do. And I have answered this before but I'll explain one more time.  I have run CBO online since 1997 on various platforms that all closed and Blogger has lasted longest. 

 I have worked for hours each day posting articles, mega posts (many thousands of words and hundreds of images), videos that offer comic book, small press, action figures and an array of reviews that I think are interesting.  Some 11, 059 posts in total. 

The reaction to those posts have usually come from 2-3 friends but considering this blog has a world wide audience and there is an auto translator here (to the right) and views are in their millions there are no comments. Not a single word on posts.  

Despite millions of views and that world wide audience there has been no one willing to sponsor CBO so that it actually makes the amount of time I spend here worth it.  

And posts on my own books alone have 5 million views but sales, which would keep the cogs

I get people saying that I must be earning a great deal with a blog like this, that many views and the range of topics.  I have no idea how they think that would happen. Its pure fantasy. So, I review books as they come in and anything I think is cool as and when but I am no longer spending 5-6 or more hours a day on CBO.  

It is currently 0100 hrs BST and I just finished looking at the posts I would have published but I can read the stuff myself because...well, I know people read them but what do they think?

That's how it stands. No sponsors. No responses to posts. No book sales to keep things going and so probably the only non controversy or creator/fan insulting blog you'll find is just floating along.

Mr Dilworth...

 If you are still alive let me know -you have my email

Louane - La pluie

Joachim Witt - Träume im Gegenwind (Official Video)

Saturday 22 June 2024

Ace Hart In Super Thriller Annual and MORE!

  For those who came in late....

Ace Hart, the Atom Man, first appeared in Superthriller Comic #6 (1948). His stories were initially published by the Edinburgh-based Foldes Press but after a few issues the title was purchased by World Distributors Ltd, based in Manchester, England. The series ran for eighty-two issues, with writers such as James Bleach and C. Purvis writing stories for the character. Changing tastes among readers result in the series eventually undergoing a name change to Western Superthriller. The series continued with several annuals from 1947 through 1959. Ace Hart text stories by Bryn Cullen and illustrated by Edgar Hodges would feature in these annuals. 

For reference Super Thriller Comic (22 issues, 1948–1950) — numbering continues from Superthriller ( Foldes); numbering continues with Western Super Thriller Comics

You might be forgiven for thinking that mentioning Ace Hart The Atomic Man  appeared in the three Super Thriller Annuals would mean comic strips.  Sadly, no. The character along with Val were consigned to text stories broken up by the occasional not great illo.,

Above 1958 Annual and I have no idea who this is since Ace didn't carry a sword and it cannot be him -it's not even his costume! Bryn Cullen wrote the story titled The Threat. That was it. The rest of the contents were reprint strips and other text stories in which Ace Hart did not appear.

Above 1959 had that oddly dressed bloke again. In this annual Ace and still blond Val had to wait until page 73 for their text story with illoes (Edgar Hodges) written again by Bryn Cullen and titled Earth At Bay. In one illo Ace has a holstered weapon but not in others. Val, however, is seen brandishing a rifle blaster.

Above 1960 and, yes, Val and Ace do have holstered blasters and the story is again by Bryn Cullen and titled Holiday In Space (it wasn't). This was the Sci Fi age of Ace Hart.

Ace Hart's elixir enabled him to harness atomic energy, giving him super strength and flight  his flying speed exceeded that of a jet. He is invulnerable to bullets and energy rays, and can withstand the cold and pressure from outer space. He carries an atomic ray gun with him, and has even displayed the power of hypnosis occasionally. Hart is a superhero, operating from a laboratory and has a computer of his own design that alerts him to any trouble wherever it may be, so that he may swoop down and save the day. His partner is Jessie King, who also possesses superpowers from his elixirs. This was the super hero age of Hart.

Ace Hart would later join the Department of Space Defense and gain a new partner in Val Venture. The stories themselves would shift to more science-fiction adventures. So we have two versions of Hart which, if you want to, you might call two parallel Earth versions (makes more sense).

Jess is a brunette -as seen in the Black Tower Gold reprints but...Val is also shown as a brunette. I guess continuity was not a great concern back then so long as kids spent their money on Ace Hart's comic that was all that mattered. The Pemberton Brothers were no longer involved as publishers by the late 1980s and the people I dealt with were quite literally selling off whatever they could and the future looked bad for World Distributors who, circa 1999 sold what they had left to Egmont who also bought up Fleetway and turned it into Egmont Editions.

One odd thing was that when I did my deals with the company I expected original art but I was told that none of the old comic strips existed any longer; this was revealed after  I spent my money.
As I found out with Gerald Swan in the 1980s the old publishers were quite slick and not worried about being not too honest or 'forgetful' when doing deals.  They were a dying breed!

Friday 21 June 2024

Barbed Wire Lies and Some Ace Hart -added images

 Ahhh...the 1980s and News International, picket lines and dirty tricks AND a small press comic....

Anyone else have a copy? I was told it was very rare as most were thrown out by people who didn't like that it was political.

Now...Ace Hart The Atomic Man...there is a multiverse, you know. So allow me to introduce (EP =Earth Parallel) Left to right: Ace Hart EP 1948, EP1960, EP 1970 and EP2000 and, yes, I know, I have a crap old camera but no one buys books so I can't afford a new one. Live with it.

Better images but in The Hall of Harts

G.I. Joe Classified Checklist 2020 - 2023

Sunday 2 June 2024



Hexagon Comics USA now offers translations of selected titles from the catalog of this 70-year-old French comics publisher. Books can be purchased on amazon or through the website Retailers can purchase them at a 40% discount from distributor Ingram or from the publisher at the website above.


7x10 square bound trade paperback, 

108 p. 


ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-306-4. 


Stories by Jean-Marc Lofficier; art by Roberto Castro, Mario Guevara; cover by Mario Guevara.

Portfolios by Manuel Martin Peniche; Mario Guevara.

After avoiding the many traps of the city of Foralume, KABUR, now alone since Arianrod’s departure, must cross the Purple Sea to reach the Southern Continent of Gondaxa, which he must also cross in order to rescue the beautiful LAGRID, kidnapped by SELINOR PSAH, the powerful sorcerer-sultan of the distant city of Arkhanal.

But Psah creates a magic storm which causes Kabur to run aground near the citadel of Yaros, currently besieged by the formidable SHAIKORTIN pirates who seek to retake it from the TOADMEN OF NUNIA, who have seized it. In the midst of this savage battle, Kabur meets a traveler from the Future, TANKA, and finally unravels the mystery of his older brother’s disappearance...

After the siege of Yaros, KABUR finally arrives in Gondaxa in the port of Cing-Kor. But, without resources to continue his journey, he is forced to join forces with FERRANE. a young thief who plans to steal the treasure of the sinister magician NODON. But the wizard is not defenseless, and the enterprise quickly proves more perilous than expected, especially since Ferrane has not told Kabur the whole truth...

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Manga: orientarsi nel fumetto giapponese