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Saturday, 30 September 2023
Friday, 29 September 2023
The Amazing Adventures of CAPTAIN V!
A Re-post from 2014
The comic was CAPTAIN V!
CAPTAIN V was the "scientific experiment" of DR EVIL and at the time he was working for the Singapore Police Force. The good Captain was super fast [but not Flash standard fast?],very strong and bullet proof thanks to his costume.
As is always the case,Dr Evil had an hidden agenda and went into hiding with his "experimental formulas" [so we assume CAPTAIN V was the human result of scientific enhancement]. Obviously,this could not be allowed and so Captain V was assigned the task of stopping his mentor.
Thursday, 28 September 2023
Cinebook Ltd: HIGHLANDS BOOK 1
Author: Philippe Aymond
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800441101
Scotland, 1743. In Blackwater Castle, in the Highlands, the Duke of Plaxton is looking for a new portrait painter. A member of Clan Grant, supporters of the Act of Union with England, the duke has a son, William, whose heart leans towards the Jacobite cause, and a daughter, Amelia, betrothed to an English lord she has never met. It’s there, in this crucible of rebellion and ambitions, that arrives Joseph Callander, local boy back from years spent in Italy, and talented painter …
And if that sounds interesting then know this; it is a two part series and no long wait as you can order both together!
Author: Philippe Aymond
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
Joseph is in hiding and believed dead. Wrongly accused of seducing Amelia Menmuir, gravely injured by her brother William, he now rests and prepares his revenge. Against Peter, his apprentice, who altered his drawings to frame him, and against William, whom he thinks orchestrated it all. Meanwhile, however, Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Stuart heir, is about to return to Scotland, and the country will soon be engulfed in a bloody rebellion that will end in Culloden.
Yes, that old England-Scotland conflict and, when I saw the covers I thought they were okay but nothing inspiring. Just churning up an historical conflict through lack of imagination.
Or that is what I thought. Firstly, the story is far better than I imagined and the characterisations solid. As is the history. The real joy is the artwork. I have now gone over each book 2-3 times. The art is beautifully detailed and there is no fault that I can find and the colour work, also by Aymond, is excellent and adds even more to the book.
Was the two parter any good? I'll put it this way; I read the books one after the other at 0200hrs and it was that good. Would I think it was still that good if I read it again? Who knows but I go by my first reading and this was enjoyable.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Monday, 25 September 2023
Ah. Wanna See My Stats?
Still only the 26th September and this months views are at 73, 800 with some 6.000 views today.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Authors: Sylvain Runberg & Eric Chabbert
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
£10.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800441040
The first volume of an Orbital spin-off.
2279. A freighter arrives on planet Drenn, with its hidden cargo of illegal immigrants, including young Human Kristina Swany. Like the rest of her travelling companions, she seeks a new life, a new start … but what awaits them is slavery, at the hands of a merciless criminal cartel – the supposed price for the last leg of their journey. Left with no choice, Kristina and the others must do dangerous work in atrocious conditions, and soon begin to suspect there won’t be a last leg …
Orbital was a great series so I was wondering what a "spin off" would be like. Then I saw the whole "People smugglers" and "illegal immigrants" and I thought "Oh good grief. Basically what is going on in real life being put into some virtue signalling comic album". Yeah, I was wrong to a point.
Illegal immigrants and modern slavery is a topical item these days but this was far from a virtue signalling book (anything after the epic virtue signalling failures that was The Eternals and Wakanda Forever movies anything else is weak!). The story seems a little derivative but then there are only so many story scenarios out there and it is how you use them. Here Runberg manages to pull off an interesting story and it will be even more interesting to see how this develops.
Chabbert's artwork is superb. The mix of exotic alien races, the space craft, cities and much more were fantastic and imaginative and the colour work makes this a book worth looking through several times. There may actually be hope for colour comics after all 😀
To be honest this is a book you could understand what is going on just by following the art and that's the sign of an artist knowing what he's doing. With no more Orbital I guess Outlaws will have to do!
Author: Roger Leloup
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800440937
While visiting her friend Ingrid in Köln, Yoko finds herself thrust in the middle of a mystery when a young Japanese woman is attacked in the cathedral, and whispers a few words before passing out – notably ‘Rheingold’, the German name of a Wagner opera. Having decided to investigate, Yoko finds signs that the victim had probably set an explosive charge somewhere, and discovers that ‘Rheingold’ is also the name of … a very special train!
This series actually became a firm favourite a long time ago. Everything from bridges, old locomotives, buildings and the scenery are immaculately rendered as usual. However, the characters look somewhat different...or that may just be me?
That written we have the usual cracking story involving our heroine and a ninja type who kidnaps her, a chase on a train and some very nice twists in plot. It was fun. Well drawn and written and I looked through the artwork twice so that made me happy. Yoko Tsuno always gets a recommendation from me!
Friday, 22 September 2023
Cinebook Ltd: RIN TIN CAN 1 - THE MASCOT
Authors: X. Fauche & J. Léturgie; illustrated by Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800441125
In a fort on the Frontier, the 7th Cavalry keeps a vigilant watch over the Wild West. It is a time of peace with the local Natives, and all is well, thanks – at least in the colonel’s mind – to the regiment’s lucky mascot. But when that dog mysteriously vanishes and bad luck begins to plague the unit, it becomes necessary to find a replacement. The colonel picks Rin Tin Can for the job … and then the real trouble begins!
Oh come on you don't know what this is going to be like? It's Rin Tin Can (not TVs Rin Tin Tin -1954-1959 and no I did not watch it back then but on repeats years later: how old do you think I am???). Here's another TV reference and this on I did watch with dedication on UK TV: F Troop (1965-1967) -look it up. Combine those two and I think you'll know what this album is all about.
Slap-stick and visual humour as well as the sort of gags you might expe4ct to see in Lucky Luke -all wonderfully drawn and coloured so that it is a treat for the eye and the humorous mind. Kids or adults ought to enjoy this. Brighten up your day in these dark times and escape for a while!
Authors: Jean-Charles Kraehn & Stefano Carloni
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
1738, Cap-Français, in the Caribbean. Redbeard, once the terror of the Seven Seas, has partially retired. Now a privateer in the service of the King of France, he chomps at the bit along with his companions, for France is currently at peace. So, when the town’s governor tasks him with catching a mysterious French pirate who terrorises the Carolinas, he jumps at the chance to get back into the fray. But he made many enemies during his pirate years, and danger lurks in wait …
No spoilers here. I read this and thought "Well that's one way to end a character's story" and, yes, he DOES hang.... the twist had me smiling in a black humoured sort of way. Gripping right up to that last page.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
To Mark 2023 Being The Year of the Werewolf: Ben R. Dilworth's Werewolf
From Ben R. Dilworth's PenguinFlight's A Little Midnight Horror and because no contributor signed or dated their work (creators ALWAYS sign and date your work) my brain has to try to remember and I believe this was published in 1986/1987.
This is in the original black on blue paper and re-adjusted to make it "sparkle".
I thought I had republished this in b&w in a Tales of Terror but it seems not. Probably. Firstly a before tidy-up page.
All art and character (c)2023 Ben R. Dilworth/ Black Tower Comics
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Das Wunderkammer Des Phantom Detektiv (The Wonder Cabinet of the Phantom Detective)
Cover by Brother Mike for when I was planning a German language collection of the Phantom detective stories. Translator opted out!
Authors: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800440920
Gomer is a genius and a walking hazard – it is known. But often overlooked is how he’s far from the only one. In his daily efforts at subverting the professional world, he’s often accompanied by his menagerie – trickster cat, temperamental gull, voracious mouse and even, on occasion, a goldfish – and his brothers in laziness and silly ideas, Jules and Bertie. Not to mention, sometimes, complete strangers instantly won over by his eagerness and imagination. Much to the chagrin of various authority figures!
It is very difficult when you have to describe a book that has a lot of gags and visual humour. It's easy to write that the gags are funny and make you smile. It is easy to write that the art is colourful and full of visual gags not to mention some zany scenes. But how do you describe a Gomer Goof book?
Oh wait -I just did! Books like this are what we need at the present time and that's what comics are for -escapism. I would always recommend a dose of Gomer Goof for kids and adults.
Monday, 18 September 2023
41.843 views this month
I have given up trying to work out what people like because there are old and new posts as well as ones on action figures and comics. I guess its all in the mix and 2-4,000 views a day I can live with...even if it makes me no money!
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Saturday, 16 September 2023
High Stats -a quick note
Last month the total blog views stood at 94.087 So far it is only the 16th and the number of views are 36646.
Let's see what the month's totals are in a couple weeks
Friday, 15 September 2023
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Author: Vehlmann & Yoann
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800441033
Sometime after their adventures in Attack of the Zordolts, Spirou, Fantasio and the Count of Champignac have nearly finished repairing the damage done by Zorglub’s ridiculous plans. Until that morning when they wake up in what appears to be their bedrooms, except … on the moon! The moon, yes, where Zorglub – again – has built a massive laboratory. Unfortunately, the cost of such a construction is colossal, and the somewhat-reformed evil mastermind had to find financial backers …
My problem is that I look at these humorous adventure books and work out how they could have been developed into "serious" stories. It's a problem I have and it;s a 24 hours a a day thing. If my own ideas are not rushing through what I am reliably informed is my brain then I see a cartoon or read a book like this and that's it.
The book starts out with a wonderful concept: you wake up in the morning and look out of your bedroom window are on the Moon. How did you and your house get there?! From there on in its a gag and action filled crazy ride and an adventure worthy of Professor Thaddeus Twatt.
Every time I pick up a S&F book I keep having this feeling it will disappoint but so far none have. A book that can be read and enjoyed by adults as well as kids and the artwork alone should delight...that last panel...ooh. Scary!
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Monday, 11 September 2023
Ready to slap some leather? (it is NOTHING kinky!)
I thought "Show off some of the British Silver age Western comics you have" so here you go
Fawcett reprints in b&w
Reprints strips from ALI agency in Spain
Published by Donald F. Peters and distributed by MillerReprints Charlton comic b&w
1954-1959 Colin Andrews art
1955-1959 issue 1 art by Tom Barling issues 2-65 Terry Patrick
Sunday, 10 September 2023
BTSH and an illo that proves...I had hair in the 1990s!
As it stands I am going to letter Black Tower Super Heroes (V. 2, No. 1) and then go straight on to draw parts 2 and 3 as the ideas and visuals are in my head so it means the books ought to appear one after the other possibly monthly.
More news when I sort it out
Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
£10.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800440913
The continuing adventures of our Aldebaran heroes
After three years of study and training, Marie is now officially a member of the UN Special Forces. But she’s barely had time to celebrate her graduation when an extraordinary event forces her to leave for her first mission: an alien ship of unknown origin has just arrived in orbit of Earth. As no contact can be established with its crew, Marie and her team are sent to board the vessel and investigate …
Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
ISBN: 9781800441002 inc. VAT
The continuing adventures of our Aldebaran heroes
A first attempt to enter the world-ship and make contact with the Humans inside has failed after the exploration team was contaminated with deadly nanorobots. Only Marie, with her Mantris-improved body, was able to fight them off, and so she and Kim, who is also immune, make the decision to give it another try … before the authorities of Earth destroy the massive vessel, the robotic menace within … and its mysterious Human passengers.
The far off worlds stories were great and Leo's creative imagination brought us some interesting landscapes and incredible alien creatures. But I am glad that this is the end of the cycle for the series and what an end.
Mystery, betrayal, action in space and "elsewhere" and Leo lives up to my expectations and the story is excellent as is the art with absolutely superb colouring by Florence Spiteri (and Leo). It really makes me wish I had the time to take all the series from the shelf and re-read them but I haven't so I'll stick with the excitement I got at first read.
If you are a sci fi fan then you ought to find this exactly what you have been missing!
Saturday, 9 September 2023
Author: Franquin, Yann & Batem
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800440999
Noah, Donald and Solorio, having rescued the rest of the children kidnapped by the ruthless gold prospectors of the Palombian rainforest, have escaped up the Boavista River, despite the rumours of terrible danger in that region. One evening, frightened by, yet drawn towards, demented laughter in the distance, they discover a lost temple, and at its top, a mysterious light. Worried about them, the Marsupilami soon joins them again – and not a moment too soon …
The last volume from January 2023 is reviewed here:
What can you expect from this series but the usual visual and other gags as well as a degree of action that is comedic. The colour and art is something that ought to entertain any child...or adult with a penchant for a silly yellow, spotted animal that can be chaotic at times. Like all the Marsupilami (and other books) series this will be passed along to my great nephews and niece along with a warning to "never enter the comic book business"!
Nice to think that children are able to currently get comic albums in the UK (if not created in) and have some fun. The actual "UYK comics biz" has failed them dismally with the exception of Cinebook which IS a UK company.
Friday, 8 September 2023
Thursday, 7 September 2023
Authors: Denis Lapière & Vincent Dutreuil
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£11.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781800441149
Indianapolis, 1966. The Vaillant team is there to prepare for the legendary Indianapolis 500-Mile Race. The competition promises to be fierce, but the two drivers, Michel Vaillant and Steve Warson, are confident. Soon they meet Rhona, a charming young woman who’s being harassed by sleazy individuals. The two men don’t know it yet, but they, too, will become the targets of underhanded manoeuvres … in a race that is about to go down in history as one of the most dramatic ever!
Okay, my first introduction to this series was in Zack comic in Germany in the 1970s and racing was still a big sport full of glamour before all the accusations of rigging and so on. I looked at this book and had to ask myself whether this would still be an interesting read because I was quite sure I was going to say "Damn, I used to think this was good!"
It is good. There is, of course, the race and everything that takes place around it. There is the beautiful woman with a suspect past and knows about corruption and the mob. You can tell this counts as "historical" when Rhona notes that the FBI denies the existence of the mob and organised crime and is more interested in "commies". That is quite true and why J Edgard Hoover flatly denied there was organised crime...well, let's not get into conspiracy theory here.
Oh...Graham Hill has a cameo and if you have no idea who he is Google him. One of the last of the "Grit your teeth and take the bend at dangerous speeds"! This was a big dose of nostalgia and besides the race and beautiful mysterious woman there are fist fights -back in the day drivers were tough sods and a lot of the fist fights were covered up but this is, remembering that it is fiction, a good portrayal of the times -rather like the movie Le Mans (1971).
We used to have comic strips about rally drivers and the odd racing strip (they seem to take over from the decades of motorbike racing strips. Yes, I would recommend this because of nostaklgia and the fact that it is still a good read.