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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 11 March 2016

Ebay Crooks Prove My Point -It's Greed! Greed! Greed!

Now, I do not want to dwell too long on Ebay crooks but I think my point has been proven -by them!

I check each day looking for specific Tarzan Of The Apes numbers and I just bought 5 + three of the 60+pp Bumper Specials for £8.00.

Today, every -every- Tarzan of the Apes comic is selling for £9.90 -add P&p and around £12.00.  Why? I can only surmise that it is one seller with a lot of issues. People: these are NOT rare. The 1970s Burne Hogarth Tarzan of the Apes book published by Pan is selling for...£9.00-£9.90.  Yes, buy the book and you get most of the UK material or go buy the Titan Tarzan collections and....ditto. Gold Key/Western has its collectors but the UK versions, not really.

I'll put it simply: you buy at THESE prices then you need mental health care. It's a crooked deal.

£12.00 for reprint comics.  Arse-wipes.  That first Tarzan album from 1964 above cost me £6.00 with postage and the extra packaging I insisted on (not dumped in a plastic sandwich bag then into a brown, unprotected envelope).

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