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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 6 March 2016

How Much To Pay For A UK Tarzan Comic

I've been pointed in the direction of Marvel, DC and Charlton Tarzan comics.  Thanks but I'm not that interested in those and the stupid prices being asked are ridiculous.

My main interest lies in the Silver-Bronze age UK Tarzan comics and annuals. That excludes the 1950s UK comics.  The reason, again, is price.  Stupid prices.

Annuals from 1960 on as well as the various comics are basically reprinting the Burne Hogarth Tarzan work -over and over.  If you want to collect Tarzan comics that have a tad more uniqueness go for those from the 1950s. They do at least have age.

Top Sellers/Byblos/Williams reprinted the Dell Tarzan comics as well as most of the Hogarth Tarzan stuff.  So when you read a seller scam saying "Rare Tarzan Vintage UK material" it is not,in the main, anything that you will not get in the earlier comics. I just go for the 1960s-1980s comics because they are cheap and so many were printed.

Keep that in mind.  A Top Sellers/Byblos/Williams Tarzan comic should set you back £2 at the most if it is in pristine condition.  All the Tarzan comics I've seen are marked or poor quality. I will NEVER go above £2.00 and I have three copies of Top Sellers Tarzan no. 1 that cost me £1.50 each. In fact, the first 7 issues cost between £1.50-£2.00 each.

And watch out for the annuals.  There are a few that have been for sale online with prices like £7.99-£40 and not great quality.  For a very good condition Tarzan Annual expect to pay £5.00 at most -if online remember you need to pay for the postage!

The rarest Tarzan I have -the 1961 Bumper Book -£2.99 + £3.00 postage.

There, you've been told!

Below: £7.99 for this on Ebay with what a valuer or collector would call "extensive cover damage".  A joke.

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