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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 28 April 2016

Which Country and Are People Buying things They See On CBO?

I like comparing to see if the same countries visit all the blogs but....

Black Tower Comics Blog
United States


United Kingdom







United Arab Emirates

Alan Class Blog


United States

United Kingdom








Comic Bits Online 

United States



United Kingdom






United Arab Emirates

As I've noted before, the countries viewing at any one time can vary though the US is always present and fairly high up in the views (usually at 1 but Poland beat them to that spot on the Class blog -wassap US???).
The only country I've not seen in views before was Pakistan. Welcome, Pakistani comic fans!

The United Arab Emirates seems to show up regularly on the Black Tower blog and here on CBO. Again -anyone from the UAE want to invest in comics get in touch (I have to try)!

Japan is now also a regular viewer on CBO. Youkoso!

A lot of countries do not show up on views because, as I found out after a great deal of digging, Blogger/Google does not recognise some operating systems (tell me about it!) and so the countries where those are the OS in use do not get included.  In fact some OS, it seems, are actively blocked.

Pity because it means the daily stats do not show an accurate picture of who is viewing -I know people from Australia and New Zealand view CBO because I'm in contact with them on my Yahoo groups and yet those countries do not appear on any of the blog view stats but, again, from emails, I KNOW they are visiting those blogs.

Not showing up on CBO, though a few using the "right" OS system do on the Class blog, are those from China. Again, I know a LOT of people in the PRC/HK, etc., do visit CBO but they are not counted.

Apparently, according to people who do this sort of thing for a living (and are comic fans), CBO should add at least 3,000 views to the daily view stats.  I'm not really that worried about the stats as I am about seeing who/which countries view CBO because it means I can research comics from those countries for posts.  You could make total blog views 65667987 and it still is not going to impress me!

Talking on my Yahoo groups and emails, I know that at least four people have ordered the three volume Tarzan books from Titan.  A good few also order the Cinebook The 9th Art books when they see them on CBO.  Good. I've not asked from whom the people are buying the Tarzan books because that's none of my business.  I hope from Titan or a UK outlet, though. That, along with Cinebook purchases, puts money into UK businesses.

I hear from people on Yahoo groups, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, Face Book and elsewhere so that helps me find out who/where is viewing but it also helps me because I find out people are buying based on what they see on CBO.

Just not my books it seems (that is a great big hint, by-the-way!).

Now, need to get back to work.  Comics do not write or draw themselves.

"And Green Flame in the sky shall herald the coming of the Many-Eyed One"
Mayan Prophecy, 1000 AD

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