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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 13 January 2017

As In Real Life So In Comics -"Stick To Where You Know"

I'm sure no one really cares but the posted videos of Lemgo and other locations in Lippe were interesting to me since its been a few years since I saw Dalborn, Detmold, Lemgo or the Externsteine.

Those names keep popping up in D-Gruppe as Lippe State is where the team is based.  The very first panel of the very first D-Gruppe story (published) opened at Externsteine -"The Externsteine Incident" is seen as symbolising why the team exists. In The Trial (to be seen if and when Black Tower Super Heroes is published), the team leader, Kopfmann, states that he has a plaque in his office with the names of all the children, women and men who died there. 1986 was a rough year!

 Above: Externsteine from the first (published) D-Gruppe story, Revenge of the Ice Queen.
below: another angle of Externsteine, this time from part 3 of The Trial.

And how could I forget good old "Oncle Hermann" -the Hermannsdenkmal sticking right up out of the Teutoburgerwald.  The national monument celebrates the Germannic tribes (headed by the Cherusci) defeat of three Roman legions there.

The page below has not been re-lettered like the one above.

 I won't mention the fact that you get to see German superman Wavell (pronounced "Vah-fell") walking through Lemgo or Nachteule/Eule (Night Owl/Owl) meeting another D-Gruppe member there during the whole Zeitgeist Saga.

Like Stan said: "Keep to where you know"

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