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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 13 January 2017


Terry Hooper-Scharf/ Ben R. Dilworth
Black and white
164 Pages
Price: £15.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days

Germany's first super heroes have fumbled along since the “Externsteine Event” ....everything is quiet….

One day something crashes into forestry followed by a “white-out” event and the appearance of the Pied Piper of Hameln and then  the appearance Frederick Barbarossa seemingly out of history at D-Gruppe headquarters and his calling them into action.

Taken to “the Place of the Gods”, D-Gruppe meet heroes from other Germannic parallels –all targeted and some destroyed by a seemingly all powerful being known as “Zeitgeist” and the race is on to find and stop “It”

But there is a traitor amongst the heroes.

They were Germany's first. Germany's best heroes. But will they live long enough to succeed in their task?

This book collects together the first adventure of D-Gruppe –Revenge Of The Ice Queen– along with the three part Zeitgeist saga and the 2012 annual that concluded the German super hero epic— plus other features!

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