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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 16 March 2020

Barbed Wire Lies!

Back in 1986 there was a big battle between Rupert Murdoch and the printers union. It was one of the reasons I never visited Murdoch at the time but decided on seeing his business rival Robert Maxwell who was also interested in producing comics.

Google Robert Maxwell if you know nothing about him. :-)

Anyway, same year an A5 zine was being handed out for free and I took copies (my note reads "5 x 10p so I did not get themfor free!) for people I knew back then. I have one copy and several people have tried to buy that from me over the years but it was part of my fledgling British Comic Books Archive (BCBA) and it was, historically, important.

There were, obviously, no credits and it was an "anti-copyright publication"...I'm guessing no one wanted to be sued or, possibly, lose their job!  If anyone knows who wrote/drew Barbed Wire Lies! then please let me know as it would be nice to credit anyone involved. The characters featured look oddly familiar....

Here for your delectation and delight are a few photos of the pages.


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