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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Black Tower Comics & Books is the UKs largest Independent publisher of black and white comics!

Black Tower Comics was set up in 1984 and was a Small Press set-up publishing Black Tower Adventure and Black Tower Presents (2 issues) and to back up its Small Press distribution service, Zine Zone -when it later expanded there was a title change to Zine Zone International. In 1986/1987 Black Towers Previews Comic was published showcasing new and upcoming talent with some going on to work at Fleetway, DC and Marvel Comics.

Adventure was published sporadically ending the first volume with no. 59. An accident in the late 1990s saw virtually all of the back issue stock destroyed.

In 2000 two new publications appeared: Comic Bits, looking mainly at the UK Golden and Silver Ages of comics and The World's Comic, designed to promote and interview creators from around the world.

In 2009, with the new Print On Demand system, Black Tower Comics & Books was launched with the first titles being The Bat Triumphant!, Krakos: Sands of Terror and the text book, Some Things Strange & Sinister. 

Black Tower has over 100 books on its online store including anthology adventure, ghostly, science fiction-horror, action, crime and comic albums and graphic novels to the history of early hot air ballooning, Haiku, illustrated text, wildlife as well as the World Mystery Books covering everything from UFOs, Bigfoot/Sasquartch, mystery sea and lake creatures; mystery creatures on land including the Chupacabras, Barking Beast of Bath and many others.

We are the official home of British Platinum and Golden Ages characters from Dr Syntax, Ally Sloper, The Iron Warrior and many others -new comics featuring old (but NOT rebooted) characters and staying true to the motto "Comics Are Fun!"

With creators such as John Erasmus, Pierre Labatt, Joel Stransky, Ben R. Dilworth, Tom Elmes, Paul Ashley Brown, Darron Northall and others there is no stopping "The Tower of Power"!

Black Tower Comics & Books is the UKs largest Independent publisher of black and white comics!

For fun in these bleak tiomes, some (low res) scans of the BTCG "sampler" from a few years back...

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