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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 15 March 2020

"I Bet you've never heard of Captain Scotland?"

My response was "Which version?"

I learn that Atomic Publications Captain Scotland: Book One from 1986 is so rare that copies have eluded many collectors. The actual A4 publication is stapled down the side and was sent out in a black backed/clear front document wallet. This is the reason why there are two punch holes visible. My copy had a note with it that read "Thanks for everything!"  Now I have no idea what I did but I got a small press comic out of it!

The paper, thanks to the document holder and my later putting the comic in a better protective cover (those plastic wallets fall apart, you know).

The point of the British Comic Book Archives (which no one in UK comics seems interested in supporting) is not just to make sure that Platinum and Golden Ages UK comics are never forgotten and to provide (or this was the intention) an accessible archive for researchers and family members of some of the old creators who have never seen work from their relative. So the Small Press is included to an extent.

This is why I have rarities such as Paper Empires Captain Empire -a character spun off (with permission from Alan Moore) from Captain Britain.

Anyway, no scans as intended had I continued the Obscure British Super Heroes series on CBO, but a few photos.


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