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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 30 March 2020

Cinebook Ltd: Newsletter 147 - March 2020

Dear Reader,
We hope that you and your loved ones are safe in these rather unusual times. As more and more countries are hit by the virus, and begin to impose isolation, we hope you’ll find solace and distraction in our comics.
This month, our first new title is our 11th Buck Danny, and we swear this one was programmed months ago. Join our fearless pilots as they face untested equipment, one of the harshest environments on Earth, a mysterious enemy, and the unexpected pangs of love … among other things!
Next in line is the second volume of Islandia. Follow young Jacques on his quest through 16th century Iceland, across vast, gorgeous open spaces and far less pleasant cases of sorcery and black magic. Get ready for some big surprises!
Finally, the fourth episode of Mermaid Project will take you back to sunny Brazil, following police inspector Romane Pennac in a world where Paris and New York are third-world capitals, methane production is the new oil industry, and some people would stop at nothing to restore the old racial order. All that, and dolphins too!
March with Cinebook – stay at home and read!

Buck Danny 11
Formosa & Zumbiehl
Vostok, Do You Read Me?
Tasked with testing the new F-35 in extreme cold conditions, Buck and his wingmen are sent to Antarctica – much to Sonny’s disgust. The F-35's recurring technical problems force them to make a longer first stop than anticipated on their crossing of the continent... Read more

Islandia 2
Marc Védrines
The Westfjords
Jacques continues his journey through the heart of Iceland, still looking for answers to questions even he doesn’t quite understand. However, he unknowingly leaves behind a trail of disasters and tragedies that strike everyone he’s come close to... Read more

Mermaid Project 4
Simon & Leo and Jamar
Episode 4
Romane Pennac’s niece has been kidnapped in Paris. Her genetic makeup, inherited from the experiments conducted on her mother – and Romane – in her youth, make her a perfect candidate for Algapower’s hybridisation experiments ... Read more
Authorised Happiness 1

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