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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 March 2020


Writer: John A. Short 
Artist: Gabrielle Noble 
44 pages 
Full colour 
US size Square bound 
UK £7.00 -see website for details: 
This 42 page full colour self-contained comic is in prestige format.  
 "Amongst the high mountains at the heart of Europe, where even the power of the Christian church cannot reach, lies a hidden land… A haven for ungodly creatures of every shape and kind, living in relative peace with mortal men… Here lives a woman made from the dead remains of others, shocked into life rather than born. The daughter of infamous Victor Frankenstein. 
 The powerful vampire authorities have their eye on Helga and she cannot escape their gaze. And where does the mysterious bride of Christ stand in this conflict. Who’s side is she on and what could drive her to travel to such a Godless corner of the globe? 
 All will be revealed in the self-contained horror adventure: Blood & Taxes! Written by (National Comics Award winner) John A. Short & illustrated by Gabrielle Noble (Captain Wylde)" 

Now I'll be honest because all my previous Kult Creation reviews are easily checkable on the internet, I have had one consistent complaint about books from this publisher: they are far too short!!  (no pun of any kind intended there, either). 

It may just be the fact that I love seeing Noble's artwork or even that Short writes good fun scripts but I do regularly read my Reverend CrossSavage Jungle Princess and other Kult titles. They are good old escapist fun with more than a few corny puns included -the "serious" comics are great, too. 

This book has lovely art and some interesting characters -I never have a problem recommending these books and this one I think everyone should have in their collection. The potential for a spin-off series are there. I'm just waiting for Kult to announce its "Crisis Cross-Over" book! 

Noble and Short should have their books in comic stores but you know what? Distributors do not care. You do not even have to risk going to a shop to buy this -you can order online! What, you want someone to hold open the pages while you read it, too???  

Very economically priced. Great story and art....come on! 

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