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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 March 2020

Comic Bits is returning

So it's official. I cant go anywhere for 12 weeks I ain't shaving til then.
Also, as I cannot paint or do any figure conversions thanks to poor light and my old hands are crap I need something to do. Two new comic albums published yesterday and a third on Friday.
Comic Bits is returning. Concentrating mainly on the UK Platinum, Golden and Silver Ages of comics I started on volume 2 no. 1 today at 10:30 hrs and after a lot of image and text editing stopped at 2:00 hrs and am up to page 49. These will be chunky issues and I'm aiming at maybe 60pp.
Time flew while going over old interviews and going through 1940s comic albums looking for items.As the people being interviewed drew or wrote comics expect pages of art or full strips.
The sad part is that so many have passed away now -John Cooper, Mike Western, Gil Page and even Nigel Dobbyn (at 56!) and Jon Haward's career was prematurely ended. But their work lives on!
Watch this page...or the Black Tower page...

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