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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 2 August 2013

Cinebook The 9th Art: Largo Winch 12 – The Way and the Virtue

Largo Winch – The Way and the Virtue

Authors: Francq & Van Hamme
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
full colour
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
ISBN: 9781849181549
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: April 2013
Largo has disappeared. His friends and employees are trying to find him while they keep the W Group ticking, but no one seems to know what has happened to him—not even the Chinese authorities.
It will be up to the billionaire, locked in a cell with a corpse as his only companion, to escape on his own before he can begin reassessing who are his allies and who are his enemies.
For me it was the Largo Winch books first and through them the movie.  I find it hard to find new things to write about an excellent series with incredible creators working on it. This is just scrummy from cover-to-cover.
I’ll award it 15 out of 10…because this is MY site!

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