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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Cinebook Newsletter 132 - December 2018

Dear Reader,
Another year is about to bite the dust, so let's see it off in style, shall we?
Starting with a brand new Blake & Mortimer – always a treat! Our two heroes are China-bound this time, caught not only in a centuries-old mystery relating to the foundation of the first Chinese Empire, but also in political and military machinations over the city of Hong Kong. Spycraft, sci-fi, a good dose of history and a dash of God Save the King – now that's a perfect recipe!
And after your dive into the past, how about a trip to the future? In a world where war and climate change have caused havoc (look at that cover!) and reshuffled all the cards, one stubborn police officer is going on an international investigation of a suspicious corporation. Follow her adventures and discover the truth about the Mermaid Project – a new series by Leo!
All of us here at Cinebook wish you a fantastic holiday season, whichever way you like to celebrate it! Thank you for another brilliant year, and we'll see you in 2019 for more bande dessinĂ©e goodness!
December with Cinebook – ‘tis the season to be reading!

Blake & Mortimer 25 
Van Dongen and Berserik & Sente
The Valley of the Immortals
World War Three is over. Basam Damdu has been defeated. England can breathe and begin the rebuilding process … or so it thinks. In China, unfortunately, Mao's Communists keep bowling over Chiang Kai-shek's troops, and are threatening Hong Kong ... Read more

Mermaid Project 1 
Simon & Leo and Jamar
Episode 1
Paris, end of the 21st Century. Inspector Romane Pennac is the only white woman in her station. The world has suffered devastating wars and ecological disasters, and the old powers of Europe and America are now the third world... Read more
Distant Worlds 2
Volume 2
Lucky Luke 72
Marcel Dalton
Story Without a Hero

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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