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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 26 October 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art: RETURN TO ALDEBARAN 1 - EPISODE 1

Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: September 2019
 ISBN: 9781849184618 
 £8.99 inc. VAT

After the events on Antares, the first official contact between Humans and the Tsalterian civilisation can take place on Aldebaran. Limited in scope, it is to involve only two groups of scientists studying a mysterious structure of unknown origin – all under the aegis of Kim, the only ambassador the aliens are willing to accept. A situation that’s not to everyone’s taste on the Human side … But as things threaten to take a wrong turn, Marie, one of the survivors brought to Aldebaran by Sven the Tsalterian, suddenly intervenes ……

Now I have been a fan of Leo and his series' so far so I cannot add any more other than that given in the above blurb. We are seeing the Leoverse as it develops rather than the usual "throw everyone straight in and let them work it out for themselves" approach of other authors -either lazy writing or trying to be 'clever' by telling you what you read and scratched your head over in issue 1 at around issue 10!
I have a criticism and I have no idea if this is because I read the book at around 0200 hrs or not....the pure white almost sticking out teeth of some of the characters really kept hitting me in the eyes.  I swear that if it is just me I will go to the opticians!
All in all a great start to the new phase.

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