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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 27 July 2020


Authors: Lambil & Cauvin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2020

ISBN: 9781849185318
War rages on, and the wounded pile up – including Blutch, courtesy of Confederate artillery. The Union Army doctors are swamped. In order to address his shortage of healers, General Alexander brings in a quartet of female nurses. But while he did also recruit a foul-tempered ‘matron’ of sorts to discourage anyone more interested in flirting than doing their duty, he may not have planned for the possibility of one of the nurses falling for a certain small, unruly, bald corporal …
That cover says it all!
The blend of seriousness and humour in the story as well as the artwork never ceases to amaze me.  As a wargamer I am sick and tired of hearing about the American Civil War yet I can sit down and enjoy these books for the first time in English and have a fun read (I read some for the first time in German -"The Blue Bellies").
So much crammed into each page, too.
I can't see a problem with readership age here -I think it's a good family read but different people have different ideas. All told this is a great series.

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