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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Frankenstein (1910) | Nightmare Theater Live Horror Film Matinee

I mentioned this in the Frankenstein Mega Post and here is your chance to watch the 1910 movie!


  1. I saw this once, long ago. 25 years ago ? But still, the fragments of stories are well remembered. Frankenstein lives long in the memory of does Dracula, Werewolf and Mummy. Halloween hasn't ended yet ,it seems.... TTFN

  2. Varney King of the Vampyres and star of Black Tower precedes Dracula by a very long chalk. How long that piece of chalk is I have no idea andI do not even know the colour of the chalk -if it is that old it would be black and white? Needless-to-say, that tree hitting my head caused no me. The tree itself is a write-off though.

  3. The chalk is white, the colour of bone...I believe this early Frankenstein print has been colourized.... at least that's what I remember. Still, old horror movies can be fun.... thanks for the Halloween selection. Not all were available in Japan, but it was a fun selection of horror ( mostly Hammer I think ) and much appreciated. TTFN.

  4. I know they did experiment at one time with adding colour lens (glass) for some of the old flicks. This might be a more modern version but a gimmick that back in the day would have been sensational for an audience -no 1080 HiDef back then. So you couldn't watch all of them? I think that's why a lot of people use NordVPN as you can then cut past the regional blocks. But anything that can bring back a smile!
