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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Bristol Comics & Zine Fair

Although I did not stay long, I have to say that everyone was very friendly and there were some good books on show.  The venue was...superb. Quite posh!

Mr. Paul Brown has offered to write a report on the event (hopefully before the next one!) but here is a note from the organisers (I know a lot of people found out about the event via CBO so...):

A big THANK YOU from the BCZF team

Just a quick note from us here at the BCZF to say an enormous thank you for making this weekend’s  event such a success.

We dramatically increased the size of the fair this year, moving to a bigger venue, doubling the number of exhibitors and tripling the number of tables, and organising two satellite events to boot.

We think the gamble paid off. Attendance was great at all the events, the atmosphere amazing and warm and the people friendly. That it all went so well was thanks to everyone of you who came, browsed, bought, exhibited, volunteered, played music and helped spread the word.

We want to say a particularly big thanks to our volunteers who helped out and saved our bacon in so many ways: Ali, Ben, Graeme, Jo, Lucy, Marcel, Rhiannon, Ric, Ryan and Stacey, thank you!

We’re also grateful to pre-party venue the Crofter’s Rights and to Andrew Godfrey and OFF LIFE for helping programme the night. Thanks to the good folks at The Station for being so easy to work with and offering us such a fantastic venue and providing such great facilities, and to Roll for The Soul for hosting the after party. We are sorry for drinking all your beer. We’re indebted to the brilliant bands who played the after party, too: Brown Torpedo, The Perverts, EXPENSIVE, Jungfrau and Diving Bell – give them all  a listen!.

We’re equally forever grateful to Isabel Greenberg for designing all our promotional material and to Fat Flyers for doing such an amazing job printing all our posters and flyers. Check them out!

Finally, we’d love to hear from you! If you want to share your blog posts or stories, give us some feedback or otherwise get in touch, you can email us, send us a tweet with the #BCZF hashtag, or post in the comments section below.

Until next time…

All the best,

Esme, Hannah, Nick

 and Simon
The BCZF Team

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