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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 24 October 2013

Meat is Murder -Morrisey Not Involved!

The second of issue of the three issue story ‘The Butcher of Banner Cross is now available on digital comic download websites.
Meat is Murder continues the investigation of the baffled Police as two more people fall victim to the unknown killer who dissects the bodies and removes their internal organs.
The Office of Paradoxical Unnatural Security Agent, Watkins is equally puzzled by the gruesome crime scenes, but Punchline, a character who is as mysterious as the mysterious as the murders he investigates appears to have all the answers.
“The killer isn’t human and it has to be surreal and serial
or it just isn’t funny. It has to kill five before I stop it.”
This is a macabre tale with plenty of dark humour as what appears to be a flesh eating inhuman creature stalks the streets of Banner Cross.
This is the fourth title in CDcomics Surreal Murder Mystery Series and follows on from the success of Meadowhell, Spring Heeled, and Football Crazy. Previously the art and story have been by Craig Daley, but this ‘The Butcher of Banner Cross ‘ is pen and inked by Chatri Ahpornsiri and Craig said,
‘There’s a lot of gore in this story so I wanted
somebody who could really highlight that and Chatri’s artwork
didn’t disappoint me and won’t disappoint the reader.’
This second 32 page b/w and when appropriate red comic is on sale priced $1.99, £1.35 or Euro equivalent and is available from the following download sites,
And will be made available via Smashwords over the next few weeks on…

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