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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 October 2013

George Perez Health Up-Date From The George Perez Fan Page

Several friends and fans have been asking about my health, so I figure an update is in order. I am scheduled for surgery on my left eye on November 7th, so, hopefully, things will start to improve after that. My regular doctor has cleared me to go under the knife and I've been a lot better in watching my diet and moderating my glucose levels and blood pressure. With so many of you sending messages of support, encouragement and affection, I figure I have an obligation to get back into the full swing of things again. I am indebted to all of you, but most of all to my cherished wife, Carol Phoenicia, who has had to bear the brunt of watching me suffer through the discomforts and emotional downturns caused by my health issues and continues to be as solid as a a rock in her love and support. Despite everything that may have made another man feel downtrodden and defeated, I truly consider myself one of the luckiest men on the planet. Thank you, my darling wife. And thank you all.for giving me a life that is the envy of kings.

And if you are interested the men from the TV Show Comic Book Men have a Q & A with George over at:

Take care George and good luck with the surgery!

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