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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Titan Books: Wallace and Gromit - The Complete Newspaper Strips - Volume 1

Wallace and Gromit - The Complete Newspaper Strips - Volume 1
Titan Comics
Writers: Jean-Paul Rutter , Richy Chandler, Robert Etherington, Ned Hartley, Rik Hoskin , David Leach, Rona Simpson,
Artists: Jimmy Hansen, Mychailo Kazybird
136 pages
full colour
Dimensions: 24.8 x 19.2 x 1.4 cm
ISBN-10: 1782760326
ISBN-13: 978-1782760320
Available from 8th October 2013

Well, 52 weeks in a year and here you have 52 stories – 312 individuals strips— covering 2010-2011.  Each fully originated and self-contained story runs over six days and contains more jokes and silliness than you could shake a left-handed widget plunger at. From tales about home dentistry and bee keeping to battles with Feathers McGraw and out-of-control robotic scarecrows, Wallace and Gromit's lives are anything but normal! 

If you are a big Wallace & Gromit fan –there are MANY- then it’s possible that you missed the strips in The Sun newspaper (in my day we faithfully cut out each daily strip and pasted them (with glue) into books to make our own collections) but however/why ever  you missed them you can get a whole year’s worth in one go.

Whether young or old this is going to be a nice gift –and Christmas is not that far off!

As allways, quality printed book and lots of laughs inside –how can you go wrong?

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