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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 24 October 2013

Tales From The Kryptonian Blog Deleted by Blogger -NOW It's Back!


I can tell you the blog has now been reinstated. WHY was it deleted? A photograph of a fish sandwich.

I'll repeat that: a photo of a fish sandwich got the blog removed.

I'm sorry but I'm lost for words.

Yes, at a time when blogger is allowing some unsavoury postings it has decided, without giving any explanation, to delete the entire Tales From The Kryptonian blog.

The reason, we assume, is because Santiago re-posted an item that Blogger deleted.  Santiago wrote several emails but Blogger would NOT respond or explain WHY it had taken the action.  The post can be found here:

I've gone over this several times but cannot find an explanation/reason why it would be deleted and then result in a blog being deleted without warning/explanation.

So, freedom of speech does not exist on Blogger??

I better be careful.


  1. Hi,

    I just got an e - mail that the picture in question was the one that shows a fish sandwich. Of course it would have been nice to get that info BEFORE blogger goes and does something like that. So you might want to delete the pictures of the fish sandwiches from that post before they also delete you.

    I don´t know. All of a sudden I totally lost my appetite regarding fish.

    Keep on blogging.

  2. I did think the fish sandwich photo was a little too sexual. Porn really. A fish sandwich? A ****** fish sandwich??? I give up.
