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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Doctor Strange...yes, The 'secret' movie I was talking about a while back.

Doctor Strange Release Date Set For 2016

Marvel are in “advanced negotiations” to film ‘Doctor Strange’ in the UK next year ahead of a planned July 2016 release date, according to reports.

Screen Daily believe that Marvel Studios is in the process of assembling a crew - led by director Scott Derrickson - which will move into Shepperton in late 2014 or early 2015 for a shoot tentatively pencilled in for May.

The 8 July, 2016 release date Marvel announced for an unnamed project has long been assumed to belong to ‘Doctor Strange’ given that it is the only forthcoming Marvel film beyond 2015’s Ant-Man and April 2016’s ‘Captain America 3’ with a known director.

'Doctor Strange' will tell the story of Marvel's sorcerer supreme, a neurosurgeon whose life is torn apart by an injury, but who soon becomes well-versed in the ways of magic and mysticism.


Oscar-nominee Joaquin Phoenix has been linked to the starring role multiple times as Marvel continue their pursuit of a leading man. 

While not yet officially announced by Marvel, the ‘Doctor Strange’ film has been public knowledge since Variety broke the news of Derrickson’s hiring back in June. Since then the director has made numerous references to the film on social media, even mentioning it in his Twitter bio

The film’s script is being written by Jon Spaihts, who is working from previous drafts by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer.

'Doctor Strange' is set for release on 8 July 2016. 
Doctor Strange Movie Gets Sinister Director

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