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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Your Top Picks For A US Golden Age Comics Super Team!

Absolutely JUST for fun.  I asked this with regard to UK Golden Age comic characters and there were a lot of tumble weeds blowing around so here goes.

Not just Timely (now Disney...Marvel) or DC but any US Golden Age comic companies: If you had to pick a team of heroes -six core members- and this needs to include a character that can handle supernatural menaces who would they be?

Just leave the list in comments and PLEASE let me know WHY they'd be in your team.

I have a feeling I'll be seeing more tumble weed though!


  1. OK. Forgive the ignorance - I'm not sure if all these fit the age category but I'm doing my best.
    Ant-man - to cover the insect world
    The Spectre - to cover the supernatural
    Superman - to cover space
    Batman - to cover city crime
    Wonder Woman - to cover mythical threats
    Aquaman - to cover the sea
    DC and Dis/vel working together.... it a dream ?
    As for British golden age - I have only one answer. For every threat, problem, terrorism or whatever -
    just call on The Iron Warrior ! Problem ? CHOP CHOP !! What problem ?

  2. Yes...."Iron Warrior tackles the 'Middle East' Problem".....Ant Man is Silver Age...but considering this is a hypothetical question being answered by one person it'll do!
